- 1 balloon with sign out front.
- 9 balloons in a bundle inside waiting.
- A Great Mexican Dinner (his favorite Meal).
- Gift Certificate to purcahse the Hand Gun he has requested.
- Several Birthday Cards.
- A few Phone calls..
add it all together and what does it make??
"HapPy BirThDaY to JaSoN"
Today IS my deaR HusBanD's B-Day. I just Want to GiVe Him A BiG ShouT OuT. He deseRveS to HaVe the Best DaY EveR.
I want him to know what A WonderFul Man and FaThEr he is to Us. Thanks for being You Honey. (Yes, He will read this sooner or later.)
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday Dear Jason.............
Happy Birthday to You!!
Today iS his 21'st Birthday...Hee Hee.. Everyone make sure to wish him a great one!